Robin Jebavy Reflection

     "In this impossibility of isolating the process of simulation must be seen the whole thrust of an order that can only see and understand in terms of some reality, because it can function nowhere else" (Pg. 40) In this quote, I feel it talks about the separation of reality to current degree. I also feel like it can be put into reality too when you start think about things. From this it is saying that you can make it your own world if you put your mind to it. 

    Just hearing and looking at Robin Jebavy artwork I was so amazed and just attracted to work. Especially with this artwork piece I just like the colors of everything. It looks like different dimension that is going all at once. Just also hearing from her that you can take her artwork in different perspectives. Just seeing her you can tell she is really diverse in her artwork. Also doing research on her she was presented many artworks over Wisconsin which I thought was really cool, Looking at her paintings are incredible its like if ancient history or something in that aspect. Just hearing the meaning of her paintings and actually reading that her pieces in her art represent history of life traditions. In general, I feel like Jebavy's art has so much meaning and power.  


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