Research Report

 "Not so long ago sex and work were savagely opposed terms: both are dissolved into the same type of demand. Formerly the discourse on history took its force from opposing itself to the one on nature, the discourse on desire to the one on power-today they exchange their signifiers and their scenarios" (Pg. 36). This quote addresses the artist that I am going to be talking about which her name is Kara Walker. She is an African American woman that is a artist. Her artwork describes this quote because within her artwork she shows the sex or gender and work of African Americans being treated during that time. About Kara Walker - Creative Time - Projects

Kara Walker is a good artist that represents good African American artwork. Looking at her artwork you can tell that she has passion for what she has been through or talking about with her artwork. For me looking at her art you can tell that it is a true deep meaning to her art. Also just engages you in as viewer which I find to be really dope. 


  1. I like your idea of doing research about an artist who is passionate about gender since gender identity is important to me.

  2. I love Kara Walker!! She's so cool and her work is so powerful. I'm really glad you presented on her because I was introduced to some works of hers I'd never seen before. The giant sculpture made of sugar in the factory especially captured my attention.


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