Eric Garcia Artist Talk

"The conjunction of desire and value, of desire and capital. The conjunction of desire and law-the ultimate joy and metamorphosis of the law (which is why it is so well received at the moment): only capital takes pleasure, Lyotard said, before coming to think that we take pleasure in capital" (Pg. 35). This quote relates Eric Garcia because his artwork he shows how the art is being made of his desires. When it comes to doing your art you should have this joy or passion when you're doing your art. I feel like Eric Garcia brings that when he was discussing his artwork.  

I really did like Garcia's artwork and what he brings to the art world. Just looking at his artwork it has so many animated cartoon characters. But if really look at them its more like a political aspect to his artwork. Especially in these two images that I have picked out. I really like his these two pieces because I feel it represents people of what they have been through in this world. Just looking at his art pieces that sense that I am getting from him. 


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