Rhythm and Balance, Scale, Texture

 "Texture is the tactile grain of surfaces and substances. Textures in our environment help us understand the nature of things" (Lupton, pg. 69-70). 

Instagram: t.y.__ya_feel_me

Repetition and change really was the main topic for me and stuck to me for this chapter. We see repetition and change in our everyday lives. Together keeps us seeing visually. For the first image I wanted you guys to see idea of repetition and change. Nike Air VaporMax Plus these are the shoes that I really want. This shoe is beautiful piece of art because it has the same pattern and repeats itself. The change is in the color of the shoe. Looking at the texture it seems to be soft and fine. For all these images it shows that. 

For balance and scale I had two images that I have taken. The second image was taken by Warch at Lawrence last year that is balance and scale. Balance and scale equally match each other. For the third image I used two of my good friends to show the magnitude and scale in the images. It has a combination of everything. 

Thanks for looking at my blog! More coming soon. 


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