
 "A-frame can serve to either emphasize or downplay its contents... the frame is subservient to the content it surrounds, disappearing as we focus on the image or object on view, and yet the frame shapes our understanding of that content" (Lupton, pg. 117, 125). 

Instagram: t.y.__ya_feel_me

I wanted to framing to be little bit natural in this case. To me frames has memories and ideas with our surroundings. So I came across that was taken by friend of me and brother at the beach siting. Originally I was thinking of buildings but when I saw this I thought it was perfect. This frame shows us looking at the ocean and sunset going down. I thought the background was very organic in the frame from the rocks,sand, and the ocean. I just love how the way this frame actually came out I think it goes very well. Frames can be pleasing and keep the viewers focus on this. 

Thank you for looking at my blog! I appreciate the support. 


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