Something Is Happening

Going Around The City From McLuhan, "By altering the environment evoke in us their unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one sense alters the way we perceive the world"(Pg. 146). I chose this quote because it talks about the environment and how we can look at things. Also many people have different perspective on objects that you look or current things that is going on in the world. Black and White Photos For my photos I just wanted to focus on different things that is going on around in life and the nature of the world. So I just went around campus and downtown to take photos. So I just change the color of the photos and also just played with the camera. So whatever I saw that was interesting that I felt that was apart of nature or life. I just took a picture of it. With the photos I guess I just wanted to get the abstract of the city and different objects that I use and put together. For each album I wanted to use the same scene but in different in...